Allergies and weather changes

Most people have acknowledged that the climate is changing, even if we don’t all agree on why it’s happening. California and other western states are experiencing record droughts, leading to crop failures, high prices for water, and uncertainty about the future. Another problem generated by climate change is allergies. The changing weather is bringing changes to the allergens, causing people to have worse-than-usual allergies, or causing those who never had allergies, to develop them. While we can’t “fix” the climate, we can mitigate the effects it has on our bodies. Tips for beating allergies:

  • Water, water and more water. Drink it!
  • Find a local honey supplier; the pollen collected by local bees goes into their honey, and acts as an antihistamine
  •  Limit time outdoors when indicators show high pollen counts
  • Use an air purifier in your home
  • Research and utilize allergy medicine

These are just a few common-sense (and, admittedly, mom-sense) remedies for allergy sufferers. If none of these work, a trip to the doc might be in order. They can prescribe stronger medicines, up to injections. Needle-aversion aside, they can be a lifesaver for those who suffer from extreme allergies.